Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Lord, I'll Shut Up Now!

In my journey to faith I’ve encountered many who have said, “I can’t hear the voice of God” or “God doesn’t answer my prayers.” Have you ever said this?

I’ve come to realize that God does speak and that God does answer our prayers, we just don’t shut up long enough to hear Him.

I’ve come to find out in my own life that I don’t have a problem listening, as much as I have a problem shutting up.  An aunt of mine once said to me, “How could such a little boy have such a big mouth?”  I myself am very guilty of being in conversations with others and responding before they even have a chance of finishing. I know at times I do this with God and I believe many others do the same.

In a hurry with our busy days we rattle off our honey do list to God and run off and then wonder why He didn’t do as we prayed. When I’ve actually shut up and paused in my prayers I’ve come to know that God does in fact answer all prayers. In His still small voice sometimes He says, “Yes.” But God also says, “No, I have something better for you.” And sometimes God says, “Wait, you aren’t ready yet.”

Many of us can’t hear His voice because as quickly as we issue our commands we are off running. We don’t realize that the reason we are on our knees isn’t because it’s a comfortable position. We are on our knees because God is King and we are not

Remember the Lord’s Prayer isn’t: My kingdom come. My will be done, in heaven as it is on Earth.

The Prayer is:
“Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done. On earth as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:10

 When we fall to our knees in prayer we are not to aim to bend His will but to be like Jesus and ask Him to bend our own will. “My Father, if it be possible, let this chalice pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.” Matthew 26:39

If you want to hear the voice of God make sure to stop and listen to Him after you pray. But most of all you have to read His book so that you know that the voice speaking in your head is God, because throughout the day I hear two voices and it is only through reading scripture that I can discern the two voices. One leads to life and the other to death.

Today, I choose Life!
The Man of Many Hats, Orlando Javien Jr.


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