2010 Retreat
I attended the Men's Retreat in 2010 and I was somewhat reluctant. But after a couple of "nudges" by Msgr. Dolan, I decided to go. Even taking a day off of work mind you, as I work Saturdays. I never saw a group of guys so open and honest and willing to share their very personal struggles and triumphs and how they found their way with God's help. When it was over, I thought of many things in my life that I could & should change. And so far it's slow, but I am moving in the right direction. If not for the willingness of these gentlemen to share their stories, I probably would not have had the motivation on my own. It was an emotional experience to say the least. Jimmy Leuth's & Orlando Javien's stories were very compelling. Thanks guys! And thanks Monsignor for "nudging" me! It was a very worthwhile time spent. -Art DePinto
My experiences at the Men’s Retreats I’ve attended have been spiritually uplifting. As expected, men will share about themselves, when they feel ready. By the morning of the second day, it is great to see practically everyone open up and participate in a meaningful way. There have been testimonials from clergy and the laity and both have been wonderful and inspiring. I’m in awe of the courage the presenters have showed as they spill their inner self for all to see. They are an example of the Holy Spirit working in us, if we allow it to. -Guillermo Zamora
Men's Group
The Men’s Retreat has served as a spring board for me. It’s helped me deepen my faith by continuing fellowship with retreat participants at the monthly Men’s Group meetings at the parish center. I have been deeply impressed with the personal sharing the men have displayed. The guys share because we are comfortable with the confidentiality and the main purpose of our participation, to have a personal and communal relationship with our Lord.
One example where I’ve seen this is when a couple of group members once shared about their experience at Cursillo. Cursillo is a weekend spent away, where men (and women on a different weekend) learn tools we can use to be able to journey with Jesus Christ in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. But Cursillo is more than that; it is a life changing opportunity to invite the Holy Spirit to direct your life towards God. The Men’s Group was the catalyst for me to learn about Cursillo, experience Cursillo first hand, and then be filled with the Holy Spirit; how cool is that!?!
-Guillermo Zamora
-Guillermo Zamora